Friday, May 30, 2014

Keeping You UP to DATE:

Keeping You UP to DATE:
Based on the Press release from CMS.Gov: 
CMS Issues Proposed Hospital Inpatient Payment Regulation
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently issued a proposed rule for 2015 that reduces payment for readmissions and hospital-acquired conditions. This proposed rule is intended to strengthen the tie between payment and quality improvement.
CMS said in an announcement that the aim of the proposed rule is to improve hospital performance while "creating an environment for improved Medicare beneficiary care and satisfaction." The agency proposes to increase the payment rate for inpatient stays at general acute care hospitals by 1.3 percent in fiscal year 2015.The rule describes how hospitals can comply with the Affordable Care Act's requirements to disclose charges for their services online or in response to a request, supporting price transparency for patients and the public.
Readmission reductions: Increase the maximum reduction in payments under the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program from 2% to 3% in fiscal year 2015. The agency is also considering assessing hospitals a penalty if they use the five readmissions measures endorsed by the National Quality forum.
Value-based purchasing: Increase incentive payments to 1.5% of base operating diagnosis-related group payment amounts to all participating hospitals. CMS estimated the total amount available for value-based incentives will be $1.4 billion.
Hospital-acquired conditions: A 1% reduction in payments for hospitals scoring in the top quartile of these preventable conditions. CMS projects the HAC program has saved close to $25 million by reducing Medicare payments for these conditions.
CMS will accept comments on the proposed rule until June 30, 2014
Go to and visit the News page for details and more information links.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

ISO 9001 Tips and Advice

ISO 9001 Tips and Advice 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Keeping You Up to Date

Keeping You UP to DATE:
In the news:

Healthcare Reform and the new Medicare reimbursements conditions have affected everyone in healthcare. Often people have asked why the changes? The article written by Bob Herman  April 14, 2014 for Becker's is based on the findings from a recent statistical brief showing the staggering effects of the costs of the ten top Medicare readmission conditions.

All told, Medicare patients represented 56 percent of all readmissions in 2011.

Here are the costs of the 10 most common Medicare readmissions, according to the AHRQ brief.
1. Congestive heart failure - $1.75 billion (134,500 total readmissions)
2. Septicemia (except in labor) - $1.41 billion (92,900 total readmissions)
3. Pneumonia (except caused by tuberculosis or STDs) - $1.15 billion (88,800 total readmissions)
4. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchiectasis - $924 million (77,900 total readmissions)
5. Cardiac dysrhythmias - $835 million (69,400 total readmissions)
6. Complication of device, implant or graft - $742 million (47,200 total readmissions)
7. Heart attack - $693 million (51,300 total readmissions)
8. Acute and unspecified renal failure - $683 million (53,500 total readmissions)
9. Urinary tract infections - $621 million (56,900 total readmissions)
10. Acute cerebrovascular disease - $568 million (45,800 total readmissions)

Friday, May 2, 2014

Announcing Client Support Specialists

ICH is moving forward. After working with hundreds of hospitals and thousands of staff, we are making some changes. Hospitals have asked for a simpler process for beginning and follow through of their implementation of ISO 9001 in healthcare. This can be achieved in less then six months when managed using the ICH proven implementation method, where 100% of all clients using ICH have been certified or deemed compliant. More information is available at . 
A Client Support Specialist program has been put in place. Every ICH client has a specialist assigned to ensure their needs are met. This specialist will be the hospital's "go to" person for all of their ISO 9001 training, consulting and auditing needs. The Specialist will follow the hospital from the beginning of the journey, through the surveys and certification (if they choose) and ultimately for continued support to ensure continual improvement!

ICH is very excited about the future of healthcare and hospitals and confident that ISO 9001 provides the framework for the solutions many seek to improve quality, while managing costs efficiently. Call ICH today to meet your personal Client Support Specialist!